The United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ (UCC), headquartered in Cleveland, OH, is a diverse community of Christians joined in covenant as one in faith and action. Tracing our roots to the Protestant reformers and New England Puritans, the UCC today is comprised of over 5,000 congregations and nearly one million members across the US.
The UCC has a long legacy as a church of firsts: we were the first historically white denomination to ordain an African American pastor, the first to ordain a woman, the first to ordain an openly gay man, and the first to affirm the right of same-gender couples to marry. We were at the forefront of the early abolitionist movement, the Civil Rights movement, and the Black Lives Matter Movement. Our history is deeply woven into the history of social justice our nation.
Today, we continue to change lives throughout the world, working alongside more than 200 mission partners in the fight for justice, sustainability, and peace. Above all, we believe God is still speaking, that Jesus embodies God’s radical love, that our understanding of God’s Word prepares us to meet the challenges of our time, and that by God’s Spirit we are emboldened and strengthened in this communal work.
The New Hampshire Conference
Headquartered in Pembroke, New Hampshire, Conference staff support UCC churches throughout the State. From the development, licensing, and ordination of clergy, to assisting with the search and call process for new pastors, to the education, care, and support of congregations, the New Hampshire Conference is an enduring and valued partner in our ecclesiastical life.