Sermon Archive, 11/17/24
SERMON IN MUSIC: "Songs of Blessings"
Beverly Caldon, Music Director & The UCC Choir
Instrumentalists: Julie Armstrong, Flute ; Jodie Hoye, oboe; Joy Flemming, bassoon
- "Stand Up and Bless the Lord" | Thiman
- "Worthy Is the Lamb/Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power" | (Messiah) Handel
- "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" | (from Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, 1813) arr. Small | Debbie Bokum, soprano solo
- "Bless the Lord, My Strength and Goodness" (Psalm 144) | Larson
- "O Bless the Lord, My Soul" (Golden Hill tune from Kentucky Harmony) | arr. D.N. Johnson
- "Come, Though Fount of Every Blessing" | arr. Schwoebel ...