Pastor Cindy Bagley and the Deacons invite you to celebrate World Communion Sunday, October 1, with a table of breads from around the world. You can help by bringing a […]
Pastor Cindy Bagley and the Deacons invite you to celebrate World Communion Sunday, October 1, with a table of breads from around the world. You can help by bringing a […]
Calling all shoppers! Visit the Fall Rummage Sale and Flea Market on Saturday, Sept. 30, from 8 am to noon and 12:30 to 2 pm at the United Church of […]
Dust off your bonnets and top hats and join us in worship as we celebrate the 285th Anniversary of the United Church of Christ in Keene, beginning at 10 am, […]
Service at 10:00 am, Church open all day. Join us as we “light up” our historic façade in support of Keene Pride Week, September 9-17. Our September 17th worship service […]
Artist Patrick Cogan of Antrim looks for vintage, primitive, and retro items and “upcycles” them into lamps and home decor. He owns “Recycled Illuminations,” where he designs, crafts, and sells […]
On their retreat in June to Craigville Center at Cape Cod, 14 youth and 4 adults spent 6 days volunteering for several non-profit organizations and getting to know each other […]